mayday97mayday98 (hosted by var e-zine) a web site re-evaluating one year on since the 'sea-change' General Election through observations of everyday life The site goes on-line at 00.01hrs (BST) May 1st 1998 unfolding over the day on an hourly basis until 23.59 hrs (BST). It presents selected extracts from a project, initiated by poet / publisher cris cheek, as a homage to Mass Observation, which generated a wide range of texts and images from the everyday lives of people around Britain, on Mayday 97. cris cheek (Sound & Language), together with Var editor, Kirsten Lavers invite responses throughout mayday 98 to be uploaded as they come in. Not another Mass Observation project surely! No. This is not about one person snooping on their neighbour, or their community. These are those details of their own everyday lives, that people have a desire to register. 'mayday97mayday98' begins to map what people make a 'note' of, what strikes them, what catches their attention. What is important to them, in that place and at that time, however mundane or ephemeral that may appear to be. Why this site, now? Contributions to mayday97 inevitably included a lot of references to the General Election. We thought that, one year on, some reconsiderations were called for. The contributions invited to this site on May 1st this year form part of that process. What results will remain on-line for the foreseeable future, hosted by var e-zine, at this URL. There will be other onward developments from this project, including a planned book publication. - - - How to take part this year - - - Everyone is encouraged to contribute to mayday98. Either in response to something seen or read on the site OR an observation that YOU make on May 1st this year. When we get your observation it will be loaded up, asap. And your name (unless you ask otherwise), will be added onto the growing list of contributors. You can contribute texts and images of all kinds (photos, drawings, scans, photocopies, writing), shorter, pithier, things are best. We might make a selection. NB. (Please do it on May 1st only!) - here's how 1. fax on 01223 576082 2. e-mail 3. send an attachment with your e-mail message (we can accept rtf, text, j.peg formats) 4. telephone a message to 01223 576082 we will check the answer machine every half an hour and transcribe your message direct onto the site Things to include (optional) - your location (or the location of the observation) - your name (names will not be attached to individual contributions on the site) - how we can contact you (a book is in the planning stages, and other developments are likely from this site) ### Mass Observation Mass Observation was founded, sixty years ago, in 1937, by Tom Harrison, a self trained anthropologist, Charles Madge, poet and journalist, and Humphrey Jennings, painter, poet, writer and film- maker. Mass Observation challenged the claim of the press to represent the views of ordinary people. Despite the male grouping that mobilised it, Mass Observation archived an extraordinary and incomparably rich body of writing by women. The Mass Observation Day Survey of May 12th 1937 exploded simplistic notions of collective identity. It compiled reports, written on that day by hundreds of people in all 'walks of life'. The result stands as an interrogation of the construction of meta-narrative. However, Mass Observation did contribute to the sense that 'big brother was watching you', and resulted in some prurient 'othering'. May 12th 1937 was the Coronation day of George VI - a day that was claimed to represent a 'sea-change' for the British people. 'mayday 97' marked another such defining moment. we look forward to receiving your observation cris cheek and Kirsten Lavers mayday97mayday98